Pumpable Tennis Elbow Strap
April - May 2024
Its Elements
Alleviates pain and reduces strain on the forearm muscles and tendons associated with tennis elbow with customizable elements.
Features an air cushion that can be inflated manually to the desired pressure, providing targeted compression.
An adjustable strap ensuring a secure fit, preventing slipping during use.
Reduces irritation during repetitive movements, aiding tendon healing while preserving functionality.
Strap Loop
Pumped Cushion
Common Tennis Injuries
Mental and physical agility, with repetitive quick directional movements
Overuse injuries in the upper body and acute injuries in the lower body
Side to side movement (lateral), quick stops, fast starts, and changes in direction
Rotator cuff tears
Wrist tendonitis
Ankle sprains
Back stress fractures
Jumper’s knee
Tennis elbow
Sports Recovery Braces
Four Types of Braces:
Prophylactic braces
Functional braces
Rehabilitative braces
Unloader/Offloader Knee Braces
What is Needed:
Load redistribution
Healing and prevention
Active Rehabilitation Phase
Return-to-Sport Phase
There still is a very big risk!!
These braces are useful, but…
They cannot heal an injury or replace the strength and stability of natural muscle.
Caution is needed, as there is still a serious risk of reinjury or worsening the condition.
They are more than just recovery aids!!
They support a safe return to sports and can enhance performance.
They bridge the gap between injury and full recovery.
They prevent rushed recoveries and further injury.
Athletes, coaches, and medical professionals must collaborate to choose the best brace.
Multiple User Interviews with
Tennis players who have dealt with sports injury
Experienced Injuries:
Sprained ankle
Sprained back
Torn muscle in forearm
Methods of Managing these Injuries:
Playing on different court
Elevating and icing it
Changing to larger racket head
Compression sleeves
Interview with Physical Therapists at
Three Phases After an Injury
Immediate Post-Injury Phase
Aspects Dependent on the Player:
Nature and severity of injury
Specific sport requirements
Level of support needed
Comfort and fit
Athlete’s activity level
Opinions on Recovery Items
Recovery items are effective for early injury stages, however, they shouldn't be used long-term.
Steps After Injury
Determine if the injury is acute or chronic.
Reduce inflammation with ultrasound, ice massage, and taping/bracing.
Address the cause, often a loss of eccentric control in tissues.
For tennis players, assess and treat shoulder and scapular mechanics.
Use a flexible bar to improve wrist extensor eccentric control.
Evaluate full-body movement patterns to prevent reinjury.
Product Analysis
Purchased existing products and read other’s reviews on them
Elasticity gives extra security
Needs stronger method to ensure the band stays in place
Neoprene and nylon material for feel and durability
Needs more pressure from the compression pad
Studies of Different Brace Fastenings
Paper Sketch Models
Playing around with different fastening methods
Understanding correct scaling and way things slide in & out
Velcro Sketch Models
Velcro sticks too much, hindering smooth sliding through slit fasteners.
Needs softer, more comfortable material to reduce skin irritation under tension.
Explore alternatives to velcro pieces for placeholders.
Final Materials Used
For Compression:
Inflatable seat cushion
Neoprene polyester scuba knit spandex
Nylon spandex
3D printed buckle
Loop of velcro
Fabric glue (Tear Mender)
Thread and needle
For Band:
Polyester mesh jersey fabric
Nylon spandex
Hook of velcro